“Membership has its privileges.” This phrase became a leading advertising slogan during the opulent eighties. In our culture, membership can be highly prized or notoriously avoided.


Membership among Christians has different meanings in different types of churches. Formal, or “High” churches seek to permeate the surrounding culture by making the Sacraments an organic part of society. In many Charismatic and fundamentalist churches, privileges are extended to the “gathered,” those reject the surrounding culture. The gathered are then encouraged to maintain an adversarial attitude toward their culture.


We don’t embrace of reject our culture. Rather, we accept our culture for what it is, the environment of our earthly lives (see John 17:11,15). Having Christian roots and being an avenue for the “common” grace of God, our culture has as much potential to be a positive force in our lives as a corruptive one. We encourage everyone to maintain or improve their station in our culture. We are not “separatists.” Membership in our church doesn’t mean you’ll be put in a time warp and returned to a pre-modern, Victorian, dark-or any other-age.


Jesus went to work on as many different levels as there were people. He, healed, He delivered, He sowed, He declared, He revealed, He empowered, He fed, He called, He observed. Large crowds often gathered around Jesus. There people represented almost every station in their culture. There were the sick, the evil, the devout, the important, the regulars, the cold-hearted, the needy, the unconvinced. Jesus was committed to working among these people, not just the religious. And He had compassion for each one of them.


To be a member of our church is to identify with the ongoing work of Jesus Christ as He reaches out to every type of person in our community and beyond. We are committed to His work, through His Spirit, and according to His Father’s will. Being a member means joining us in this task.


To be considered a member of our church, all you need to do is participate in our ministries at some level. We don’t require any more commitment than to know you support our mission and have joined us in our work. Some people find our planned weekend retreats a great place to “break the ice.” Others volunteer their special skills of construction or organization, or their energy to the many meetings and special projects around the church. It’s okay to take all the time you need to “check us out.” When the time comes, and you want to be a member, just pitch in! Then, give us a call to let us know you’re now a member, and we’ll add your name and address to our database for administrative purposes. But your membership begins the moment you choose to join us in Christ’s work and be a part of our Christian community.

If you have Questions, Please give us a call. Calvary Chapel Paradise (530) 873-3114

Thank you Capo Beach Calvary for the use of this resource!