What About… Heaven

Would you get excited about a vacation if no one could tell you where you were going, what you would do there, or how to get there? If we’re going to be happy about visiting a new vacation site or moving to a new city, we have to have some basic information....

What About… Community

“Are you lonesome tonight?” If not tonight, then sometime in your life you’ve been lonely, and it’s likely you’ll be lonely again. God’s remedy for loneliness is “Community.” WHAT IS COMMUNITY? Community is a collection...

What About… Bible

The most important book anyone could read or study is the Bible. Some books help us understand subjects like human behavior, science, and history, and other books are simply entertaining. But the Bible takes us outside our physical universe into the heart of God. THE...

What About… Baptism

Water. We drink it, cook with it, swim in it, and bathe in it. We also use it in a Christian ritual; Baptism. But the value of water in Baptism is in symbol, not substance. BAPTISM IS A SPIRITUAL RITE-OF-PASSAGE Spiritual life involves constant progress. That progress...