Live What You Believe

November 19, 2023
Cornelius loved God and lived what he believed; no one ever had to question what he was about or where his loyalties lay.  He also knew the power of prayer…

Am I Changed?

November 12, 2023
Pastor Dave highlights how radically Saul's life was changed after his encounter with Jesus.  He did an immediate 180 after his encounter.  Have I really met the Lord? Am I…

Communion Sunday

November 5, 2023
Humility comes from the recognition of how much we've been forgiven.  The hardest person to come to Christ is the "nice guy" who seemingly does everything right, even goes to…
Jim Davis works with Pastoral Training of Asia and exhorts us to feast on God's Word to combat what the world throws at us.  Need more faith?  Read God's Word…

Seeing Jesus

September 24, 2023
Pastor Dave wants us to consider what kind of a Christian we are. Are we spirit filled?  What is our attitude toward those who don't like us because of our…